Back Pain and Sciatica
How do you know if your back pain has become chronic?
We all have pulled back muscle at some point, needing to spend a day or two cozied up to Sports Rehab Therapist an ice pack and a heating pad. But you may have sciatica when severe body pain and stiffness or numbness problems make it hard to function.
What is sciatica?
When nerves in your lower back become pinched or compressed, the resulting discomfort, tingling, and numbness affect your back, buttocks, groin, and legs. Often, you’ll feel it on one side only.
Several underlying causes can result in this nerve compression. In most cases, it’s a bone spur or herniated disc pressing into the nerve, but sciatica has also been known to occur when a tumor grows in the area or when there’s spinal degeneration and narrowing, which can happen with age.

To get started on your sciatica pain treatment plan, contact our dedicated team of physical therapists today at Sterling, VA center.
What types of physical therapy treat back pain and sciatica?
To treat sciatica, a physical therapist may recommend a combination of several forms of physical, manual, soft tissue manipulation, and sciatica treatment exercises. The specific exercises prescribed to a patient with sciatica are determined not only by the underlying cause of the condition but also by other criteria, such as the patient’s level of discomfort, Physical Therapy For Foot Pain overall conditioning, and the training and experience of the physical therapist.
Low-impact aerobics
Physical therapy for lower back pain improves strength, flexibility, and circulation. Low-impact aerobics are some of the most prevalent types of treatments for sciatica that are offered through physical therapy.
Stretching exercises
To boost flexibility. Sciatica often causes spasms, tightness, and a limited range of motion in your back and legs. Various moves, such as hamstring stretches and lower-back moves like the “cobra” or the sitting torso twist, will loosen muscles and boost mobility.
Strength building moves
To tone the tendons, ligaments, and columns that support your spine. When you get physical therapy for sciatica, you work on your abs, hips, and glutes. This results in a stronger core that resists pain and sciatica.
Ready to eradicate your pain?
Our patients are often referred to us by their primary physicians or a specialist, and we continue to work with your medical team to treat the specific cause of your pain.
Our highly trained physical therapists provide you with a complete evaluation, Chronic Neck Pain Physical Therapy
including a spinal alignment assessment.
We also conduct simple tests to evaluate muscle strength in the areas that support your back and lower body, along with range-of-motion evaluations.
In short, the purpose of our team is to offer support to YOU, the patient. Because our success is tied to yours, we have worked hard to cultivate an atmosphere that is friendly and inviting so that you will feel at ease while you go through your sciatica nerve treatment.